The road not taken is the beginning of every adventure--it is a place you've never visited or something you've never done. In short, it is something new. Last November, I published the book, "Cooking for Adventurers". Over the course of writing it, I experimented with several new methods and recipes, as well as recipes I had used for many years, tweaking and adjusting, until everything came out just right. There wasn't a time during the book's creation that I didn't have a pile of papers waiting to topple over on the kitchen table. I couldn't believe the book was finished; I thought it would never happen.
Now I'm writing another.

Aside from being a well-received book, "Cooking for Adventurers" is also going to become a "food blog", if you will. I will be featuring recipes, methods, and any other interesting little things that cross my mind that have to do with cooking, eating, or just making life a bit easier around the kitchen, whether that kitchen is in the home, or around a fire in the wilderness. We will be touching on buying food, finding food, and making food somewhat edible.
All of this aside, I also welcome discussion. I will respond to comments as quickly and as completely as possible. Civil discussion will always be encouraged, and I will probably try to arrange some live Q & A as well. Our first post will be tomorrow night--I hope to see you all there!
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